Mostar, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Corporate Designer

Major changes are not always required. Minor tweaks are fine from time to time. Wanna design for an interesting and innovative brand? We offer you a huge designing challenge if you find the following job description appealing:

Desired skills and experience

If you dream of this as being something you would like to do, let’s do it! Send us your CV and portfolio that showcases your skills and experience to date. Please send your portfolio separately to [email protected].

Art makes questions, design makes solutions. Be part of our solutions.

Aplica para el puesto

Déjanos tu información de contacto y adjunta tu CV y algunos ejemplos de tu trabajo si los tienes. ¡Te responderemos lo antes posible!

¡Contáctanos en cualquier momento!

Si tienes alguna pregunta sobre nuestros productos, oportunidades de carrera o si solo quieres saludar, estaremos encantados de responderte.

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