Mostar, Bosnia and Herzegovina

.Net developer

.NET Developer Job Description Template

.NET Developer Job Profile

Most of .NET Developers are expected to be able to do these 3 things:

As .NET developer you should be at least proficient either in using VB.NET or C#, or even better, both languages. If you are a great .NET developer, you should be capable of handling many aspects of the application, including but not limited to performance, scalability, security, and testing.

A fully knowledgeable .NET developer can use .NET to build a highly distributed web application, a sophisticated desktop application, or even a modern mobile application.

In order to attract .NET Developer that best matches your needs, it is very important to write a clear and precise .NET Developer job description

.NET Developer job description

We are looking for experienced and ambitious .Net Developer to join our team. As a .NET Developer you will be involved in design, development, coding, customization, configuration, testing, and deployment in support of enterprise packaged solutions.

.NET Developer duties and responsibilities

This is what we are expecting from you as a .NET Developer:

.NET Developer requirements and qualifications

Aplica para el puesto

Déjanos tu información de contacto y adjunta tu CV y algunos ejemplos de tu trabajo si los tienes. ¡Te responderemos lo antes posible!

¡Contáctanos en cualquier momento!

Si tienes alguna pregunta sobre nuestros productos, oportunidades de carrera o si solo quieres saludar, estaremos encantados de responderte.

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