Noticias / Eventos
NSoft to attend Betting on Football in London – Let’s meet!

NSoft is looking forward to attending London’s Betting on Football conference on 19-22 March 2019 in London.
NSoft’s representatives Robert Matijevic and Davor Konjevod, will be meeting the decision-makers from international operators interested in NSoft’s opportunities and innovative technologies that attract players.
The Betting on Football conference will also provide a perfect occasion to discuss different business aspects and industry innovations given the fact that technology is playing a key role in the betting industry. Players are becoming ever more demanding, pushing companies towards effective strategies and technology to improve their service, boost player confidence and increase player lifetime values. NSoft has innovative sports betting solutions that will be showcased to interested parties.
Commenting on the upcoming Betting on Football event and on his participation Mr. Matijevic has said: “I’m really looking forward on using opportunities that Betting on Football offers. The sole fact of having a chance to meet decision-makers will provide NSoft with valuable information in understanding future betting development needs.”
Would like to discuss business with our team? Book a meeting through [email protected] and discover NSoft’s novelties.
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