Entrevistas y Editoriales
Quality Assurance: Testing software for Betting Terminals
by Dario Šaravanja, Product Manager at Seven Sportsbook Platform

Previous NSoft stories have touched on SSBTs from multiple perspectives, including the very beginnings of manufacturing betting terminals at Stark Solutions (a part of NSoft’s cluster), its steep rise in the global betting market with exceptional quality and customer satisfaction, all the way to the NSoft’s core SSBT software aimed for betting and igaming operators for managing entire terminal fleets with ease.
However, there is one particular aspect we haven’t covered yet: how do we make sure assembled SSBTs are ready for shipping and installation in the first place?! Well, that process isn’t always the easiest one. It is enough to imagine batch orders of 80 terminals, each with a dozen of hardware components, peripheral devices, and cables. The number of individual units required for testing is ten times that. The most considerable merit goes to dedicated technicians that patiently assemble and test the working functionality of each unit.
As a natural step forward, we indeed recognised the importance of improving the process with technology and acted upon it. As a result, our technicians now have a helping hand from a software tool we simply named System Test Tool.
Automatisation of QA process #
System Test Tool is developed in-house with the idea of standardising and speeding up our internal SSBT testing procedures. It makes sure every system component is connected correctly and in a working state by sequentially testing unit per unit. The Tool is not a replacement for human touch, but rather an additional layer of reliability that helps us standardise tests across terminals and their units. Simply put, the process is still owned and managed by technicians but guided and controlled by the software.

Core functionalities of System Test Tool #
The Tool is based on NSoft's customised Linux operating system. It contains three core functionalities:
Scanning the entire system and returning most vital information about system configuration, hardware and peripherals
Providing structured tests for each logical domain, including displays and touchscreens, printers, barcode, money devices, door switches and card readers
Generating and submitting done tests in the form of the final report that can be printed and signed as proof of testing.
The great thing about the tool is that it comes in the form of live media. That means we can run the software without affecting the disk content of the host device. Those circumstances make System Test Tool perfect for testing uninstalled and installed devices with no operative struggles beforehand or afterwards. Additionally, there are no limitations on who can perform testing or when. This means that it is even possible to release the tool for our clients in the near future as well. Each submitted test is stored in our database for future reference. At the same time, the uniqueness of each physical machine allows us to track the history of all done tests on a particular betting terminal.

Time saved is money earned.
In the year 2022, we are making this tool a part of the standard testing toolbox at Stark Solutions. Along with other NSoft initiatives, particularly in the domain of system diagnostics, it substantially reduces overall time requirements and testing complexity while improving reliability, standardisation, and transparency.
Sinergy of NSoft software solutions for SSBT and Stark’s neat and powerful machines for land-based betting and gaming business ones again has proven to be the winning combination for the clients.
Learn how this solution can help your business grow, contact us via [email protected] or [email protected].
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