NSoft will offer its best know-how at tech oriented conference WebCamp Zagreb

NSoft has once again recognised the importance of Zagreb WebCamp 2018, the conference that gathers professionals and entrepreneurs discussing the industries’ target niches.
In 2018 NSoft is exhibiting together with Aether-Signum, showcasing the latest achievements in Artificial Intelligence and Computer Vision. The focal place will certainly be the NSoft booth, enabling participants to work and try the newest technologies on the spot. What does it mean? It includes testing the high-end Vision solution brought to life by joined forces of NSoft and Aether-Signum.
Also, one of our youngest employees, NSoft’s System Developer Marijo Sunjic will be sharing thoughts about the importance of VueJS, its flexibility in comparison to other frameworks and the benefits its usage brought to NSoft.
Over the last two years, VueJS has grown from “just another framework” to one of the most powerful frontend frameworks on the Web. In this talk, Marijo will try to get new frontend developers and basically all developers as close to VueJS as possible in 20 minutes.
Approach him, come forward with a question. Most presenters, relish the moments when someone interested in a topic approaches them. These are fantastic learning opportunities. He might also try to convince you in changing your job and coming to sunny Mostar. It’s worth hearing what this young fellow with a significant experience has to say.
From the NSoft’s perspective, the key is to actively participate in the learning process and make the most of the learning opportunities. That is the reason why we all share what we know, interact and provide information. By taking a hands-on approach, allowing colleagues to learn by doing helps them retain information and focus on the subject matter in question.
That’s the reason why we will organise the onsite presentation – we want to hear your thoughts. Let’s share and discuss the gathered knowledge. Sharing knowledge was the reason why we joined forces with Aether-Signum in the first place. They are passionate about the application of AI in Computer Vision and NSoft as a high-end software provider is interested in facilitation of processes. They might try to convince you to join their team in Zagreb, don’t hold grudges! We shared a common problem, the existing AI Vision systems were lacking features necessary to improve our clients’ business – and we’ve managed to solve them. Join us at our booth, let’s test our solutions together. We appreciate your valuable feedback.
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